News Across the World

News - Across the World

Note:  Most recent news is posted at the top of the list.    Last updated: 14 June, 2010

Edinburgh 2010 - Common Call
China Christian Leaders Get Help from TWR

Malaysian Church Forgives - follow up to story below
Fourth Malaysian Church Bombed this weekend  - over use of word "Allah"
Three Churches Attacked in Malaysia - over the traditional usage of the name for God
Please pray for Winkie Pratney - December 09 - after aneurysm Winkie is in a NZ hospital...
India Flood Survivor Stories 09 - Gospel 4 Asia
The President Without A Country - by Pat Boone

Dr. Ralph D. Winter - now with the Lord
Call2All - Hong Kong 09 - Will history mark this as the launch of the Chinese missionary movement?
World Vision International gets a new President
Don Richardson in New Zealand - Stars Sand & Dust Seminar
WEA Council Member appointed to President Obama's Advisory Council
200 London Buses to have Christian advertisement for the next four weeks
McCain and Obama at Saddleback - The Strang Report. Steve shares his response to this record-setting event
AIDS Conference in Mexico City - Dan Wooding reports; what are Christians doing there?
Tonga moves toward democracy even at the coronation of their new king
Myanmar Cyclone Update - Gospel impacts many lives through practical expressions of love by God's people
Rebuilding Bangladesh
Church of England Blasts British Government for discrimination
Not just another Florida Revival - reported healings, people flocking from across the nation - and from other nations. Unconventional...
More concerns - by Andrew Strom & J. Lee Grady
Russia: Competing for the next generation. The spiritual revival of the 90's has been replaced by...
Reverse Confessional at University of Florida - Christians build booth and confess their shortcomings...
Juno - The Normalcy of Brokenness - movie review by Mark Earley, Pres. of Prison Fellowship
New President of South Korean - Lee Myungbak - is a committed Christian
Phil Cooke, Media Expert - with a PhD in theology, helps Christians tell their stories of faith
Debbie Scott's single Missionary top's the charts for ten weeks
Chinese Christian prisoners - Shi Weihan and others recently released on bail
Kenya's Opposition Leader Charges "Genoside on a Grand Scale"
India's PM Assures Protection of Christians
Assist News now needs assistance - by Bill Ellis
Pakistan's Bhutto Assassinated - Christians in Pakistan Condemn the killing
Virtual Prayer Wall on Line - connecting people, connecting with God
Two YWAM Staff Killed in Denver - official YWAM press release
Megachurch and Mission Killings linked - according to police investigation (AP report)
Colorado Gunman Scared Co-Workers 5 years ago (Assist News Service)

Halo Baby - a new Christian TV and DVD series by Sky Angel productions, kid's network
First Anti-smacking Conviction in New Zealand


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