Call2All - Hong Kong 09
I arrived home safely yesterday
morning (Sunday); but had slept very
little in the previous 48 hours. We had a wonderful time as a family
last night, celebrating ... and some reporting of my trip. Had a
wonderful time in Singapore,
Cambodia and Hong Kong.
got an email this morning from Kevin Stitt which includes some of his
un-edited notes. While very incomplete they will still
help give you a feel - or a taste - for the Call2All Hong Kong
conference. Keep in mind that the first report is his notes of the YWAM
field gathering which took place the day AFTER the Call2All conference.
It was just one of over a half a dozen optional gatherings the day
after the conference ended. But in fact I think it would have been
worth going if only for that. (And also worth going if only for the
last day of the conference.)
I need to correct something that I said in a previous email. I had
mentioned that there were only about 100 from YWAM at Call2All. That's
what I heard from one YWAM leader friend when I first got there. But
he's from North America and was likely basing his estimate only on the
N. Am. & European attendees. Added to that should have been more
than 200 YWAM Koreans, many Chinese and other Asians. I counted about
350 at the A&P field gathering, and there were undoubtedly some
YWAMers who didn't stay for that. You'll likely notice in one of
Kevin's reports that approximately half of the 3000 plus who attended
were Chinese.
While there was room for improvement, it was a wonderful,
relatively smooth-running, challenging and celebrative conference. It
was at the AsiaWorld Expo close to the HK airport. Only the
Marriott Hotel and a parking lot seperated the Expo from the airport.
could make the argument that God really put
together. Three months ago some were wondering if they should cancel
it. Some of the previous Call2All conferences were poorly attended.
Dale Kauffman was brought in to help (founder of Kings Kids
International and founder of Gateway to China, nephew
of Paul Kauffman, founder of Asian Outreach.
Dale was able to gather a number of the key pastors and Christian
leaders in Hong Kong. God moved on their hearts, reconciliation took
place, they got behind it, raised money, invited people in from China
and around the world... ("And the rest, as they say, is history!")
was considerable focus on:
- Prayer movements,
- Reaching the
unengaged unreached people groups,
- Orality & the oral Bible (2/3 of
the world's unreached cannot be effectively reached through written
- Evangelism,
- Church planting, and
- Compassion (poverty,
injustice, illiteracy, water, medical and crises response).
focus of the Call2All conference was on impacting the major arenas or
spheres of
all societies for God's purposes. The arenas or mountains / spheres
- the family,
- education,
- government,
- commerce (business and health),
- media (communication of all kinds)
- celebration (arts, entertainment, sports...),
- and of course the church.
was encouraging to hear that so much of the mission community around
the world is now accepting this as a vital wholistic missions approach
- so that the whole church can be involved in taking the whole gospel
to the whole world.
One evangelical mission leader
from the USA told me that while he would have
appreciated more
reflection and more counting-the-cost that could prevent some of the
hurts from missions... "these are the do-ers of missions". Much
younger, more charismatically inclined, and much less "White", the
conference was organized by about 17 of the world's largest mission
agencies, which they estimate represents about 85% of the current
world missions force. (We both
shared about other areas that could have been improved too. Still we
were both quite positive about Call2All.)
I may be wrong, but my guess is that history will likely record this as
the launch of the Chinese missions movement. Look
out world! Someone suggested that just as the UK was used as a catalyst
to help launch the North American mission movement a century or two
ago, now God is using Korea - which is now second only to the US in
numbers of missionar
ies they send - as a catalyst to launch the Chinese
mission movement. Look out world indeed!!!
with that intro, I hope you enjoy the rest.
Call2All - daily reports
1 | Historic Congress Begins! About 3,000 ministry leaders from more
than 100 countries
united in Hong Kong this week to strategize for the
completion of the Great Commission. In what might be More ...
2 | World Leaders Walk The Silk Road
3 | Nations Dance Together!
4 | 1.7 Billion