Rosalie Pedder - Equivalency Institute

Rosalie Pedder - Director
Equivalency Institute
Postal Address:

Equivalency Institute
14A Walters Road
Mt Wellington

New Zealand

Email Address:
Phone: +64 9 275 2443
Fax: +64 9 275 6709


Brief Biography of Rosalie Pedder:

I grew up in the south of New Zealand in a Catholic family. I had 13 years of convent schooling in an all-girls school where I broke almost every rule in the book. Later I attended the University of Otago (then Christchurch Teacher's College) for secondary training and graduated with a Batchelor of Arts Degree.

For 10 years I taught in New Zealand public schools, with positions as teacher, Head of English Department, Dean of Girls, Supervisor of Year 1 and 2 secondary teachers in my school, and marker of School Certificate national examination in English. I became a Christian in 1972.

I won national recognition (to my cost) as a 2nd year teacher for my approach to teaching and spent the rest of the 10 years trying to explain why it worked. It worked because God was behind it. I left teaching at the end of 1979 because the pressure to perform was too great. The next 4 years I spent working in my church's old people's home which operated on faith principles like YWAM's.

M/V Anastasis (Youth With A Mission's Mercy Ship) came to NZ when I was looking for the next step. I joined for 5 months - in 1983 and stayed 6 years! I then took a post as principal of ICS on board from 1984-1989. It was here that I learned (per force!) to rethink my material and approach in more specifically Christian concepts.

I taught in the first Universtiy of the Nations (YWAM) School of Elementary Education and was invitied to join the College of Education staff. Subsequent developments changed my roles -

1. Training Consultant (University of the Nations)
2. Pioneer/Leader of Master's Degree level Biblical Foundations of Education
3. Developer/Director of International Equivalency Institute (U of N)
4. Pioneer/Developer of Creative Integration Records for processing learning.
5. Director of Equivalency School for U of N.
6. Redesigned Equivalency School as Learning Restoration Course 1997 in NZ.

International Teaching:

I have taught educators in the following countries: Australia, England, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, South Africa, USA, NZ, Hungary, Canada, Denmark, Brazil, Holland, India, Tonga, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Korea, Singapore and Sweden.

Bangladesh - China - India - Indonesia - Hong Kong - Japan - Kampuchea - Korea - Pakistan -
 Philippines - Laos - Malaysia - Mongolia - Myanmar - Nepal - Singapore -
Sri Lanka - Taiwan - Thailand - Vietnam


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