Biography of Rosalie Pedder:
grew up in the south of New Zealand in a Catholic family. I had 13
years of convent schooling in an all-girls school where I broke almost
every rule in the book. Later I attended the University of Otago (then
Christchurch Teacher's College) for secondary training and graduated
with a Batchelor of Arts Degree.
10 years I taught in New Zealand public schools, with positions as
teacher, Head of English Department, Dean of Girls, Supervisor of Year
1 and 2 secondary teachers in my school, and marker of School
Certificate national examination in English. I became a Christian in
I won
national recognition (to my cost) as a 2nd year teacher for my approach
to teaching and spent the rest of the 10 years trying to explain why it
worked. It worked because God was behind it. I left teaching at the end
of 1979 because the pressure to perform was too great. The next 4 years
I spent working in my church's old people's home which operated on
faith principles like YWAM's.
Anastasis (Youth With A Mission's Mercy Ship) came to NZ when I was
looking for the next step. I joined for 5 months - in 1983 and stayed 6
years! I then took a post as principal of ICS on board from 1984-1989.
It was here that I learned (per force!) to rethink my material and
approach in more specifically Christian concepts.
taught in the first Universtiy of the Nations (YWAM) School of
Elementary Education and was invitied to join the College of Education
staff. Subsequent developments changed my roles -
Training Consultant (University of the Nations)
2. Pioneer/Leader of Master's Degree level Biblical
Foundations of Education
3. Developer/Director of International Equivalency
Institute (U of N)
4. Pioneer/Developer of Creative Integration
Records for processing learning.
5. Director of Equivalency School for U of N.
6. Redesigned Equivalency School as Learning
Restoration Course 1997 in NZ.
International Teaching:
I have taught educators in the following countries:
Australia, England, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, South Africa, USA,
NZ, Hungary, Canada, Denmark, Brazil, Holland, India, Tonga, Taiwan,
Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Korea, Singapore and Sweden.