Across Pacific Magazine

'Think, Thank, Tell' Gift Of Love

by Yvonne Turnbull



   Whether married or single, the month of February is for gifts of love to be given.  Several years ago I gave Bob a gift that lives on and on, and it’s called - the Think, Thank, Tell Gift Of Love.  So, here is my gift to Bob --


   “How come you always notice the things I do wrong, but never seem to notice the things I do right?”


   That’s what my husband, Bob, said to me when I pointed out that he had forgotten to wipe off the counters after he finished doing the dishes.  Then he added, “I have a terrific idea!  Next time why don’t you do the dishes since I never seem to do them right, or do anything else right to please you!”  With those stinging words Bob exited the room.


   God used that incident to show me that I needed to change the way I perceived my husband.  I had been focusing on the few things that he didn’t do right instead of all the things he did do right.  My criticism had been continuous, not just occasionally.  No wonder Bob hesitated when I asked him to do things.


   I followed Bob into the other room and asked his forgiveness, which he gave, and then I asked God to show me how I could stop seeing what is wrong in my mate’s life and start seeing what is right.  There were more 'right' things than 'wrong', by far, but my focus was too often on the negative.  Is it that way with you?  As I prayed and searched the Scriptures, I came up with three things that I needed to do: think, thank and tell.




   Realizing that I had developed faulty thinking , I went to Philippians 4:8, which says, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.”  Obviously, as just stated, my thinking had been on what was wrong instead of on what was right.


   Over the next few days, to counter my critical thinking, I listed 10 great things about Bob.  As I wrote my list, I prayed, “Lord, please open my eyes to areas that are right about Bob.”  I was amazed at how quickly God removed my blinders, and I began to see Bob differently.  I noticed the many things about him that I had overlooked or had taken for granted.  Do you do that?




   Having a thankful heart changes the way we look at our circumstances.  And that’s what God wanted to develop in me.  In Ephesians 5:20 we read, “Always give thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  So for the next week, in the morning and in the evening, I read that list of 10.  I thanked God for each quality as I read it.



   When I first complimented Bob, he gave me a puzzled look and seemed to be waiting for the negative words to come out of my mouth.   But after a couple of days of my consistently thanking him for all the good things he was doing, he got past the “What is she setting me up for?” stage and realized that God was working in me, changing me.  Besides giving Bob verbal praise, I write him gratitude notes that start out with, Thank You, Lord God, for Bob because.....”  Then I add something I observed or heard that day so Bob will know.  God has changed me and used the “Think, Thank, Tell” method - to help me be a better wife and to nurture our marriage in three ways.


   Note: Since these principles are for both husbands and wives, think and pray about YOU using this ‘method’ to nurture your marriage - or if a single, a special relationship you have - or if a parent, to your children - well, you get the idea.   I would like knowing your results after at least a month of you consistently applying this method.  Send me an Email to -   I would appreciate that.  Thank you, Yvonne.


   Further Note:  This topic was sent out two years ago, yes, but since it had one of the most active responses to any we've sent out we thought it deserved reading and applying again.


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