Nov. 06
Recent response to radio outreach
Month of November we received 191 letters from our
listeners, 19 of them are new. These are looking to know
more about the Bible. If you have time please see the
testimonies and please pray for them.
1. I came to know many hidden truth from the book of
Adam. I know the name as a first human but it was like
oral story to me. Now I know what happened and how sin
came to the world. The story of Adam gave me desire to
know more. Please help me to know. I am waiting for
your letter and books. Please send me 10 radio program
so I can give to my friends.
--------- MS
2. In my village 35 of us form a radio listening
club. All of us want to know more about life of Jesus.
Please send the book for us. Also please let us know
what we can do as a club beside listening radio and
read the books.
3. Thank you for accepting me as one of your member. I
like your program and the books. I am staying in a
student’s hostel. I share with my friends about your
program. Some of my friends also listening your
program. Please send more program to give my other
friends. I am looking for your book and letter.
------- S P
4. Thank you for your letter and book. I want to do
the corresponds course to know more about the Bible.
Please pray for my HSC exam.
--------- N E
5. In the Quran mention that Jesus is the “ Word of
God” Can you please send me some books , so I can
study more about Jesus? Thank you.
------- JJ
--------- MO
2. In my village 35 of us formed a radio listening
club. All of us want to know more about life of Jesus.
Please send the book for us. Also please let us know
what we can do as a club beside listening radio and
read the books.
3. Thank you for accepting me as one of your member. I
like your program and the books. I am staying in a
student’s hostel. I share with my friends about your
program. Some of my friends also listening your
program. Please send more program to give my other
friends. I am looking for your book and letter.
------- ST
4. Thank you for your letter and book. I want to do
the corresponds course to know more about the Bible.
Please pray for my HSC exam.
--------- NG
5. In the Quran mention that Jesus is the “ Word of
God” Can you please send me some books, so I can
study more about Jesus? Thank you.
------- JR