The BICC, a three storey structure is designed to serve the
class business, professional and government leaders by combining modern
efficiency with traditional Nepalese hospitality.
man in his fifties testify his healing of paralysis |
Elder Bhabindra Rai, the regional director of Campus
Crusade for Christ Kathmandu says, "I am so grateful to see so many
people gathered, especially from the different religious groups
including Hindu and Buddhist, for this festival. I witnessed many
people find peace in Jesus the only Savior who redeemed us from all
sins and gave us the true peace."
A local Christian performance team from three churches in
Kathmandu area led the congregation in praying and praising the Lord.
The Rev. Satya Thapa, senior pastor of Abhinash church based
Lalipur, prayed for opening of the first day of the festival. Rev. Sanu
Babu, senior pastor of Bhaktapur Khristiya Church, prayed for opening
for the second day.
As a special guest, Hon. Shanta Manabi, Senator and former
minister of women and culture, delivered the congratulatory message
saying, "I'd like to thank Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee and Manmin Joong-ang
Church, Seoul, Korea, for sending the mission team to Nepal to conduct
the healing festival. I hope the people here in Nepal would be united
through this festival."
Singers, praising God in Nepalese at BICC |
The congregation responded with great excitement when Korean
performance team, "Crystal Singers," sang in Nepalese and the Hindi
language with wonderfully graceful praise dancing.
Rev. Mikyung Lee, the associate pastor of 100,000-member
Joong-ang Church from Seoul, Korea preached on, "Why is Jesus our only
Savior?" on the first night and "The works of the Holy Spirit" on the
second night with video clips on the manifestation of God's power
through the worldwide ministry of Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee, the founder and
senior pastor. She emphasized, "The false gods can't answer to our
prayer, can't move its eyes or listen to the prayer of its worshippers
either. Jesus Christ is the only Savior according to the spiritual law.
Only through Him, you can receive the salvation, true blessing and true
peace." Next day she went on to emphasize, "God is alive and works even
today! You can meet Him only if you have faith!"
She urged the congregation to obey the words of God in
life so that they may have stronger faith and enjoy the prosperity as
their souls are getting along well."
Mikyung Lee praying for the sick |
While Rev. Mikyung Lee is praying for the sick, many
were approaching to the pulpit to testify their experiences of healing.
Some threw away the sticks, some removed the glasses, some shouted
"Hallelujah!" after being healed of hearing problem, and various other
diseases were healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
Rev. Timothy Rai, the senior pastor of Lokanthali church,
interpreted in Nepalese, said, "It's amazing to witness the
manifestation of the power of the living God through Rev. Mikyung Lee
from Manmin church. Many pastors were deeply touched by powerful works
of the Holy Spirit through the healing festival"
missionary to Nepal, Grace Lee says, "When I introduced on Manmin
ministry here in Kathmandu and Himalayan region, the pastors and church
leaders were touched because they could see the very strong
manifestation of God's power through Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee. Some of them
wanted to have this kind of healing festival here in Kathmandu. God
sincerely answered the prayers of these pastors"
Meanwhile 400 pastors and church leaders in Kathmandu
the seminar on "The secret of church growth" on Nov. 17(Fri) at BICC.
Based on Acts 2:42-47, Rev. Mikyung Lee explained the practical method
to experience the revival in the church they are ministering through
the example of Manmin Joong-ang Church that was established in 1982
with just 13 members and 7 USD by Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee and grew up to
have 100,000 with 4,600 branch churches globally.
Bro. Jeremi Jung, the international coordinator, said, "I
all thanks to God Almighty for what he has done through the seminar and
the healing festival which unified the local churches and encouraged
them to have confidence in their heart on the revival of churches in
this special season of change in Nepal. We'd like to help the local
church leaders, if they want, to continually work together to take this
opportunity for the development of Christianity in Nepal'"
Recently the government of Nepal and Maoists signed a peace
agreement ending the 11 long years of conflict and bloodletting.
** You may republish this story with proper attribution.