Healing inspires village
God at Work - Across the world

God at Work

Believer's Healing Inspires Village

Gospel for Asia

Even when doctors lost hope, God still heard the prayers of the believers, like this woman, and healed Charran.

JHARKHAND, INDIA (ANS) -- Charran Madhu was enjoying life. He loved the Lord, and things were going smoothly. Then the trials came. Several months ago, he was diagnosed with a serious case of malaria. While he was receiving treatment for this illness he became mute. His doctors tried to help him regain his speech, but they eventually gave up hope.

"Despite this opposition, Pastor Sanjog encouraged the believers to remember God's promises about healing in the Bible, and to pray for Charran throughout the day."

After observing Charran's situation, his neighbors began accusing Gospel for Asia missionary Sanjog Haresh and the local Christians of causing both of his sicknesses. Despite this opposition, Pastor Sanjog encouraged the believers to remember God's promises about healing in the Bible and to pray for Charran throughout the day.

The next day the believers took Charran to the hospital for a check up, when suddenly, he began speaking. Everyone in the room was amazed, and the believers praised God on the spot for His answer to their prayers.

Because of this miracle, Charran's neighbors no longer speak against Pastor Sanjog and the Christians, and the villagers have been inspired to hear the Gospel.

Sanjog prays that Charran's healing will bring many people to the Lord, and that God will continue using Sanjog's life sacrificially to expand His kingdom.

Jharkhand became an independent state in 2000. Read about the challenges of unifying the state's 27 million citizens.

Help support native missionaries like Sanjog through your prayers.

Gospel for Asia is a mission organization involved in evangelism and church planting in Asia's unreached regions. Currently Gospel for Asia supports more than 16,000 church planters in 10 countries.

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