Crossroads and Urban
Discipleship Training Schools
in Auckland Combine
your relationship with God
and open your heart to the nations
Crossroads DTS is a Discipleship Training School for adults
from all walks of life, including leaders in
the Body of Christ,
professionals and retired people. Crossroads welcomes families as well
as couples and singles. Our school family is a beautiful blend of
people of various ages, races and walks of life. In this setting,
students grow closer to one another as each matures individually and
deepens their relationship with God.

What our students say about
the Auckland DTS
"I have been in ministry for
X years and spent four years in missions.
The Auckland DTS was not only a place of valuable impartation of
knowledge but a place where God ministred deeply into my heart. I would
highly recommend a DTS regardless of previous experience or
qualifications. For me it was life changing. God met me and ministered
to me."
Sue -
"DTS in Auckland has been a
great time to get out of the boat
and start walking on the water. A huge time of refreshment and renewal.
It will stay with me a life time."
Mandy - UK (local church youth leader)
The DTS in Auckland was a
time of refreshing, refocusing and
recharging for me. A time to get to know His plan and purpose in my
life. The open space and peaceful environment surrounding the base
provide a distinguish place to know God intimately."
Poh-Kiang Yeoh - Malaysia
DTS was a cleansing
for me. God dealt with me ... Since then a new peace and a tremendous
joy returned into my life. I'm looking forward to all the ministry the
Lord has for me in the next season of my life."
Kerstin - Germany
"I have been involved
in Christian ministry for years
and have gained qualifications from theological college. But in
attending the DTS in Auckland I have been equipped and strengthened in
my relationship with God, and prepared for my next season of ministry
in a far deeper way than the previous seasons have accomplished. I
recommend this DTS as a life changing and empowering time not to be
missed. In fact, I would say its essential in preparation for service
in the Kingdom of God."
Jeff Murton - UK / Auckland
The Urban focused DTS is just that - everything a regular
DTS or Crossroads DTS has, plus an emphasis on reaching people in urban
Our goal in the Crossroads DTS is to help you cultivate a loving
relationship with God, and to challenge you to make Him known to
others. We also seek to give our trainees cross-cultural experiences
that will prepare them to take the good news of Jesus Christ to the
nations. CDTS begins with three months of classroom training featuring
a variety of outstanding teachers. This is followed by a two-month
overseas outreach. Most of our outreaches are in the Pacific &
Asia, where trainees usually live among the local people. Each outreach
is unique, but many include caring for the needy, friendship
evangelism, intercession and service projects.
Our school
leaders and staff are spiritually mature men and women from various
nations. They and the course speakers represent a variety of church
backgrounds, but all share a common vision for spiritual training and
missions. Their teamwork helps foster a dynamic interaction with

friendships are one of
the many blessings you'll
in the Crossroads DTS.
Course Content
Christian's relationship to:
– learn the character and ways of God, how to hear His voice and
develop a personal devotional life
Oneself and Others — learn about your gifts and
ministries, principles of healthy relationships and character
The Word – develop a lifestyle of personal study,
meditation, and application of Biblical truth
The World – sharing your faith, reaching the unreached,
Biblical world view, cross-cultural missions
The Church – commitment, unity, missions structures,
complementary role of local churches
The Enemy – resisting temptation, intercession and
spiritual warfare
YWAM International — learn about its threefold calling
to evangelism, training and mercy ministries; its foundational values
and ministry opportunities.
Next school begins .....

For more info email:
changed us forever. The school gave our family
the confidence to trust God and do new things. It also has helped us
through the challenges and trials we've had since then."
Shawn and Kit O'Reilly -- Durango, Colorado
Christian should take CDTS and see what the Lord has
for their future. It made me desire to be in the mission field for all
my remaining days on earth."
Tho T Han -- Korea
laid a foundation of Biblical truths that changed my
life -- EVERTHING after that was different."
Cheryll Young -- Barstow, California
"Crossroads has
opened my heart and my mind so much. I am
very thankful for this school."
Rev. Henry Elfving, Finland
"My biggest lesson in CDTS was a whole new understanding of God
as my Father."
Erica Edstrom -- Boise, Idaho