
Across Fellowship -
United Kingdom
We had the privilege of getting
to know Kumar many years ago when he came from Malaysia to Singapore as
a student in the Discipleship
Training School. Kumar comes from a Hindu background. He came to
know the Lord Jesus through a Brethren church at the age of
ten. God called him into the ministry when he was sixteen while
attending an Assemblies of God church in Malaysia.
His wife Laura is from the UK. She says, "God supernaturally invaded
non-Christian family. Through a series of miracles
one by one my family came to know the Lord too."
Kumar has served on staff with Youth With
A Mission Discipleship Training Schools and the Far East Evangelism Teams in
Singapore and Hong Kong. Kumar and Laura served as associate pastors in
Malaysia. Laura was discipled by
and worked with Paul and Bunty Collins,
Siloah Christian Ministries
in Hong Kong, which also worked for some
years with Jackie Pullinger. Laura first met and worked with
and Heidi Baker here, whose friendship and walk with the Lord became
the biggest influence for over two decades. Their Iris Ministries
now gives
oversight to more than 7,000 churches in Mozambique).
Kumar and Laura's current ministry involves pioneering a young
fellowship and exploring fresh
ways to be community together. They reach people in the
market place from all walks of life but are particularly interested in
helping the poor find
Jesus and training them
to live as new creations in Him.
They have two children, ages 14 and 9.
Guildford, Surrey
GU 1 4LT
mobile phone nos:
Kumar: 077 0202 2587
Laura: 079
8860 9757
Across Fellowship - United Kingdom