Across Pacific Magazine

7th World Christian Gathering of
 Indigenous People (WCGIP)

This is an early announcement about the 7th World Christian Gathering of Indigenous People (WCGIP) set to convene in Israel in a year-and-a-half, September 9-18, 2008.

The first WCGIP took place in New Zealand in 1996 hosted by the Maori people. The founding chairman was Monte Ohia. The next World Gathering in 1998 was hosted by Native North Americans in South Dakota, then in 2000 with the Aboriginal people of Australia, in 2002 with the Hawaiians, in 2004 with the Sami people of northern Scandinavia, and in 2006 with the tribes of Mindanao in the Philippines.

The 7th WCGIP will convene in Israel, September 9-18, 2008.
We are expecting to receive delegates from hundreds of tribes from all over the world. Many of the tribes and languages coming together will be represented in Jerusalem for the first time in history.

A few deep-sea, ocean-going canoes are scheduled to sail from the South Pacific islands all the way to Israel. The World Gathering will begin with these canoes arriving on the coast of Israel. A number of other tribes will

be shipping over their own traditional canoes to join the last leg of this journey and come ashore with those arriving from the South Pacific. We will

then transport the smaller canoes up to the Galilee, and assemble a  fleet of tribal canoes from all over the world on the Sea of Galilee (called the Kinneret in Hebrew). Tribal delegates will be able to paddle together in their own canoes to some of the places Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) ministered around the lake. Some of them may also go out at night and fish with nets where Yeshua fished.

We are inviting a tribe to erect a sweat lodge on the shore of the Jordan River. Delegates will be able to sweat, and then dip in the river.

We have invited the Cayuga people of the Six Nations from Ontario to erect a very large traditional longhouse in Jerusalem. Inside will be open fires.

Hanging from the ceiling will be salmon, corn, and meat curing in the smoke. This will be one of the venues of the Gathering in which delegates will pray, sing and dance.

We are inviting indigenous people from every part of the world to send representatives to the World Gathering in Jerusalem. Each delegation should

bring an offering of prayer, song, or dance in their own language, with their own instruments, and their own style of singing and dancing. The delegates do not need to be members of churches or even to call themselves by the title Christian, but they do need to be followers of Jesus. All delegates need to be sent with the understanding that any offering or presentation they bring must be in honor of Jesus, in the city where He gave His life and where Scripture tells us He will return.

This will be a truly historic gathering. There has never been anything like it.

It is now only 2007, and we are still in the early stages of planning. Please pray for us to be endowed with much wisdom, favor and strength for all of the preparations that lie ahead.

As more details are available we will send them out and post them on the web site. We do not yet know the full cost of participation for each person, and we have not yet made arrangements for registration. This message is simply to inform you of the upcoming gathering so that you might

begin to consider coming and participating. Though most of the delegates will be indigenous tribal people, registration is open for those who would like to witness this historic event, to listen, learn, and build new relationships.

Attached to this message is the logo of the 7th World Gathering. The three footprints represent the descendents of the three children of Noah on a pilgrimage back to the Middle East.

Please consider forwarding this message to those you know who might be interested in coming. We especially want to get this out to indigenous tribal people. If you live in an indigenous community, get the word out. If you know followers of Jesus among indigenous people anywhere in the world, please forward this to them. If they do not have access to a computer, please print it out and send it to them by postal mail. This message will soon be translated into other major trade languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Mandarin. It will also be in German and Japanese. If you would like a copy of this in any of those languages, just let us know.

Many blessings,

Gavriel Gefen

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