Prayer and revival newsMEGACHURCHES FOR YOUTH IN HAWAII. Date: August 12, 1998
from North America
The "Honolulu Advertiser"
reports that around 30,000
Hawaiians attend megachurches.
Observers describe the atmosphere similar to
that during the 'Jesus People'
movement in California 20 or 30 years ago;
members of the congregations
are casually dressed, and come from all walks
of life, from businesspeople
to surfers, with tourists also taking part.
Some pastors say that they
are trying to return to Christianity's simple
basics, doing without religious
rituals. This has already given rise to new
missionary forms: surfers
from Maui's evangelical group Missions
International give other
surfers spiritual training before sending them into
areas "where traditional
missionaries and Western Christians rarely go."
Many indigenous Christians
attribute the situation to the prayer initiative
started in March this year
by Daniel Kikawa and others, in which hundreds of
Christians prayed and fasted
for revival on the islands, covering them by
foot, car or even helicopter.
Source: DAWN FridayFax
AMERICA. Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998
Steve Hill and John Kilpatrick
organize meetings called 'Awake America'
where the Brownsville Church
takes ministry teams into several areas to stir
revival among the people
of America.
John Kilpatrick shared in
Denver that he was called to the hospital on a
normal hospital call, but
as he came into the lobby a young man with his
wife sitting in a wheelchair
noticed him. The man's wife was 26-years-old
and hadn't been able to
walk or speak and was confined to a wheelchair
because of a stroke. On
that same Thursday the husband had gone to revival
at Brownsville and had left
his wife in this condition at the hospital. As
the glory of God was falling
in the sanctuary on Cervantes Street the young
man had a phone call on
his cellular phone in the sanctuary. "Honey it's
me." The young man said,
"Who is this?" "This is your wife." "Honey you've
got to be kidding me," God
healed her at the hospital while the young man
was in revival.
She told Kilpatrick while
her husband was at revival a
warmth came into the room
and settled over her. She began to move and her
bones and joints were touched
by the power of God in the hospital room.
Kilpatrick gave another
testimony of a man with a brain tumor from
Montgomery, Alabama. "He
was told by his doctors if he traveled anywhere he
might die. The man asked
his doctors, "Can I go to Pensacola? If I'm going
to die I might as well die
going to the revival." He was thin and pasty
looking as he came to revival
-- his head was swollen and was a pitiful
sight. The man gave the
account of what God did for him at the service in
Pensacola, "During the praise
and worship I felt a hot heat come over me.
Then the man screamed out,
"I've been healed, I've been healed." As he went
back to his doctor the doctor
took one look at him and said, "What happened
to you." The man replied,
"I've been healed." Every trace of the tumor had
gone from the man's head
and was revealed by the MRI machine."
Source: Brownsville Assembly
of God
IN USA. Date: Tue, 18 Aug
Kathie Walters <>
reports about God's work among children in
the USA: 'My husband David
Walters has a ministry to churches, and his
message is basically that
the children do not have a junior or baby Holy
Spirit, they have the same
power of God in them as anyone else. They are not
the church of tomorrow but
the church of today and leaders of tomorrow, and
so he imparts the anointing
to the children and brings revelation to the
church that they must include
the children in the move of God. We usually
have week-ends in various
cities hosted by differet churches, and we have
seminars for families, teachers,
pastors etc. When the anointing has been on
the children for a couple
of days we have a miracle service and have the
children (and teens) pray
for people and every week we have many miracles.
Many deaf poeple have been
healed, blind eyes opening, broken bones healed
instantly, etc.
A good book to read is Children
Aflame, accounts of what
happened to the samll children
in John Wesley's meetings and what has
happened in some of ours.
Also in the Kids in Combat section on our website
you will find some testimonies: David and
Vann Laen from Brownsville
just did a big kids "Young Warriors week-end in
Virginia with about 3500
kids and leaders. The power of God was all over the
place and the children were
under the anointing for hours at a time. TBN is
airing some of it next week
I think. Do you get Charisma Magazine? This
months issue is full of
articles and testimonies about childrens ministry.'
Source: Joel News
PENNSYLVANIA. Date: Aug 26, 1998
Bill Cassada reports about
a move of God among young people in Tyrone,
Pennsylvania: 'Our group
of teenagers and other youth were gathering at the
church in Warrior's Mark
to pray and receive instruction for prayer
ministry. They were briefed
on the do's and don'ts of street ministry, and
then we instructed them
on how to pray for people, how to call on the Holy
Spirit, and how to recognize
words of knowledge for healing. Afterwards
there was a time of prayer
for impartation. During the meeting it was
interesting to note that
some of the "wildest" youngsters there were also
the ones who were touched
the strongest. One minute they're taunting Bob as
he ministered, saying "God
is dead -- he's not real -- there is no God..."
And the next minute, they're
sprawled out on the floor, out under the power
of the Spirit.'
Source: Northwest Revival
IN NIXA, MONTANA. Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998
Gerry Helms reports about
a revival in Nixa, Montana, USA: 'Nixa Assembly of
God had been in revival
several months. The intercessory prayer team was
right behind the stage interceding
for the pastor and the church as it
entered into a field of
Glory. The pastor, Don Blancit, was delegating more
of the duties of the church
to his staff so he could spend more time hearing
from God. Pastor Blancit
said they just could not seem to pray as long and
as hard as was needed. Earlier
during the week there had been one of the
most miraculous healings
heard of during this revival. A woman that had just
recently come back to the
Lord was healed from a crippling disease. As a
result the revival at Nixa
has spread to several other churches in the area.'
Source: The Remnant
IN PRISON IN USA. Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998
A religious revival is taking
place in a Hagerstown, Md., prison. Chaplain
J.L. Banks baptized 42 inmates
earlier this month and about 80 this year.
The inmates are showing
an increased interest in reading the Bible and
demonstrating their faith,
Banks said. Eighty-six residents of the prison
have completed a Bible correspondence
course, up from nine last year,
Bernadette and Giffred Johnson
of Largo, Md., said. They provide the Bible
materials to inmates. The
prisoners "are doing something people who are
`free' never take time to
do, which is learn the word of God," Bernadette
Johnson said. Federal and
state corrections officials have noted an increase
in religious activity among
inmates, the Associated Press said.
Source: Religion Today
IN SAN DIEGO. Date: 27-Aug-1998
Lani Langlais <>
reports about a revival in San Diego,
California: 'God is pouring
out awesome anointing for evangelism, worship
and healing in the San Diego
Revival. Many churches are experiencing
powerful moves of God. Revival
Meetings with Bill Wilson are being held
Tuesdays through Fridays
at First Assembly of God in the suburb El Cajon. A
woman has reported being
healed of cancer after being given her death
sentence by her doctor and
being under hospice care. She has reported that
she has now been released
from the hospice and is healthy. Well over 80
churches have been represented
in this move of God that crosses
denominational lines and
unites several different churches in the
sponsorship of the extended
Revival Meetings which outgrew the original venue.
Another church experiencing
powerful Revival is The Abiding Place. Friday
and Saturday evenings at
7, the church goes out of the 4 walls and into the
streets to minister Revival.
Recently The Abiding Place met in Chicano Park,
San Diego's most notorious
area for gang violence, and as they ministered
the Glory of Heaven fell
and 80 were saved! Pastor Mark Spitsbergen of The
Abiding Place <>
had to exhort his ministry teams in the
park to "learn to stand
in the Glory - hold onto a tree if you have to, but
stand and minister the anointing,
even if it's almost impossible." Pastor
Mark Spitsbergen often ministers,
even preaches, in spontaneous song of the
Lord, and meetings are characterized
by intense outpouring of the Holy
Ghost. Extended prophetic
worship/intercession and the Song of The Spirit
are hallmarks of the Revival
at The Abiding Place.
Pastors in the San Diego
Revival are praying, working, and worshipping
together. Vineyard Christian
Fellowship of San Diego ministers Revival both
internationally and also
locally in prophetic street worship evangelism,
using God's gifts of creative
excellence in original worship and praise
music of the Revival and
His gifts of the Spirit in prophecy and healing
prayer ministry. Powerful
Presence and Anointing of God characterize the
Revival services at San
Diego VCF on Sundays at 10 am and at 6 pm, when the
church feeds the homeless
and hungry, and all enjoy a big supper together
and then celebrate some
more in the Lord's Blessing. During the week the
church meets in kinships,
prayer meetings, and outreaches, and networks in
Renewal with other churches
all over California. To God be ALL the Glory!'
Source: Awakening
20, 1998
In light of our nation's
need for repentance, the unresolved scandal and
crisis surrounding the U.S.
Presidency, let us humble ourselves, cry out for
mercy, and intercede that
the Lord expose and thwart all announced and other
planned terrorist attacks.
Pray that "wisdom from above," protection and
courage be granted to all
U.S. and world officials working to apprehend
terrorists. Also pray for
the protection of US missionaries in muslim countries.
Source: Intercessors for
25 Aug 1998
A sermon at the Washington
National Cathedral Aug. 23 challenged President
Clinton and the American
people. Nathan Baxter, dean at the Northwest
Washington cathedral, told
about 900 worshipers at the Episcopal cathedral
that Clinton's decision
to treat his relationship with Monica Lewinsky as a
private matter is wrong,
The Washington Post reported. Baxter scolded the
public for seeming to judge
morality based on the nation's economic
prosperity. "The real power
of politics is moral," Baxter said in his
20-minute sermon. "Therefore,
in leadership, immodesty or immorality is
never private for it affects
the ability of a people to grant permission to
lead." "What has happened
to a nation more concerned about its wallet than
its soul?" Baxter asked,
referring to opinion polls that show the public
tolerates Clinton's acknowledged
sexual liaison with Lewinsky because the
economy is doing so well.
People who seem unconcerned about President
Clinton's moral failures
may have guilty consciences, a philosophy professor
says. "A whole lot of us
have lied about sex, and that's a big reason why
people hesitate to disapprove
of him," said Janet Smith, who teaches at the
University of Dallas, a
Catholic school. "But we'd better hold ourselves and
our leaders accountable
and stop saying this is no big deal." The country
should examine its cultural
values, said Philip Wogaman, pastor of Foundry
Methodist Church in Washington,
D.C., where Clinton is a member." There's a
kind of hypocritical moralism
at work. We're fascinated with sex scandals,
even as they flourish in
a seed bed of culture that is receptive to them.
Should we be so surprised?
You look at the violence, divorce,
pornography...and you say
there are real dangers in the culture," he told
the Dallas Morning News.
Source: Religion Today
FOR CLINTON AND STARR. Date: 23 Aug 1998
Christian Bass submitted
a prayer request for US president Bill Clinton and
explains the importance
of building prayer altars for the leaders of the
nation. Another source submitted
a prayer request for Kenneth Starr, public
prosecutor in the Monica
Lewinsky case. The requests can be retrieved by
sending an e-mail to <>
with this command in the body of your mail:
get joel-news-international
Source: Joel News
Date: August 24, 1998
In just over a month, the
upcoming National Evangelists Conference, "Pulse
98: Churchquake," will reach
an estimated 110,000 participants in the USA
and Canada by satellite.
It's the largest conference ever held by the
Assemblies of God. Main
speakers are among others superintendant Thomas
Trask, John Kilpatrick Steve
Hill from Pensacola and Bill Bright from Campus
Crusade for Christ. The
organizers believe that God will raise up at least
1,000 new evangelists for
the 21st century through the ministry of Pulse 98.
The "Churchquake" theme
for this year's conference is based on Acts 4:31,
"After they had prayed the
place where they were gathered together was
shaken." Pulse 98 will also
be made available on the Internet via "Real
Video Stream" and "Real
Audio." Have a look at <>.
Source: The Assemblies of
God News & Information Service
KEEPERS FOR LADIES. Date: August 31, 1998
About 19,000 women gathered
for a Promise Keepers-style rally in Nashville
Aug. 29. Women from the
United States and Canada came to the fourth national
Renewing the Heart rally,
the Associated Press said. Kay Cole James of
Regent University and Lisa
Harper of Focus on the Family were among speakers
who addressed topics ranging
from developing a prayer life to raising godly
children. ..."If you genuinely
love this nation and want to impact this
culture...the most important
thing you can do is to decide to be women of
God," said James, former
health and human services secretary for the state
of Virginia. The event sold
out in four days, an indication of women's need
for spiritual and emotional
support, Harper said. "We get so many letters
from women who say they
are very busy but still feel lonely. They're
juggling so many balls that
they don't have time to refuel themselves. They
desperately need reminding
that God loves them."
Source: Religion Today
The national Women's Ministries
Department of the Assemblies of God is
issuing a call for women
of America to join forces with students on
September 16 with the challenge,
"See You at the Altar." The call is in
connection with the annual
"See You at the Pole" event. More than 1 million
students are expected to
gather at school flagpoles to pray for their
campuses on that day. Women
across the nation will gather on September 16 in
a great nationwide prayer
effort for America's students. Local churches are
asked to open their doors
at 5:30 a.m. for women to pray at the altar for
the nation's students and
schools. Women are encouraged to place photos of
their children on the altar
as they pray, leaving them there all day for
others to also pray over
them. Women will not only pray for their own
children and grandchildren,
but also other students, teachers, local school
administrators, school board
members, and all connected with the schools. "I
believe we can rally a lot
of women to prayer that day," said Peggy
Musgrove, national Women's
Ministries director. "This is a way we are 'Women
Touching the World' in a
very real way."
Source: The Assemblies of
God News & Information Service
Charles Stanley <>,
pastor of a United Methodist
Congregation in Kalkaska,
Michigan, USA, reports: 'We have begun a small
prayer group that meets
at noon on Wednesdays. That hour has become my
favorite hour of the week.
7-8 people get together and we pray over all our
local people, and we always
pray for the requests mentioned in the Joel news
service. We would love to
see a tremendous outbreak of renewal in our
church, but our main goal
is simply to unite with praying people all over
the world.
A few weeks ago, one of the
women in our group, had a vision of the head and
arms of Jesus, so encased
in light it was difficult to make out the
features. He was holding
out his hands in invitation, as if he was
indicating how long he had
been waiting for us to come to him in prayer.
Last week I was surprised
by a stunning vision myself. As we prayed I saw
fiery rings ascending to
heaven one after the other is rhthmic succession,
which formed something like
a fiery tube or tunnel up to infinity. A
quietness settled on the
group, and I saw a white dove flying through the
tube toward us.
Both of these visions we
a great encouragement to us. We are a small group
of people who believe in
the power of prayer. We are a part of a
denomination which has been
largely dead as far as prayer is concerned. We
are a small church in a
small town. Sometimes we feel we don't account for
much. But we feel God used
these visions to show us that we were
accomplishing great things
through the power of prayer, even if we could not
see it - yet! I hope these
visions will encourage others like us to devote
themselves to prayer in
a concerted, committed way. God bless you brothers
and sisters!'
Source: Joel News
JN218-1. Prayer and revival news from North America
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