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Organizations United For
Women’s Prayer Conference in Korea

By Ben. A Jennings

ORLANDO, FL (ANS) -- Pastors’ wives of the Global Pastors Network are joining forces with Sisters of Esther in Korea for an International Women’s Prayer Conference August 21-24. Pastors’ wives are being invited to join 10,000 Korean and international women at a prayer mountain near Seoul for three full days of fasting and prayer.

The conference will pray for world evangelization with special relationship to such crises as war, terrorism, catastrophes, the pandemic of AIDS, famine and justice.

“Christian women are a vast under-utilized spiritual resource in today’s world,” said Mrs. Becky Hunter this week, Director of the Global Pastors’ Wives Network. “Pastors’ wives will have an enormous influence in activating that emerging supply. We are encouraging pastors’ wives to come to Korea for the opportunity of a lifetime!”

Dr. Vonette Bright

Steve and Judy Douglass

Plenary speakers for the Conference include Dr. Vonette Bright and Judy Douglass, wife of President Steve Douglass, of Campus Crusade for Christ; Mrs. Juliet Thomas, prayer mobilizer for over 200 cities of India; and Mrs. Evelyn Christensen, author and a prayer leader for Mission America.

Workshops will offer guidelines and materials for networking prayer leaders.

Women interested in global prayer are urged to register immediately, according to Dr. Joon Gon Kim, Conference Director. Time is at a premium.

United States women should obtain a fact sheet and registration form from   Women from other nations can get all necessary information from

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