Top Ten Major Catastrophes

Top Ten
Major Catastrophes

By David Hall

We've already had at least ten major natural disasters - with each one of them taking more than a million lives - and all in the last about 800 years, half of them in the last 70 years.  Yet so few people seem to be aware of these. More than once I've heard a major national television news report refer to the recent South Asian tsunami disaster as "the world's worst disaster".  As awful as that disaster was, the truth is there have been quite a few natural disasters that were even more destructive.

So what is a catastrophe?  The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines catastrophe as:
a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin;
a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth
a violent usually destructive natural event
Consider the following ten major natural disasters. These were certainly violent and destructive.

Aprox. Deaths
Egypt and Syria 1201 1.1 million Earthquake
Europe and beyond 1347-1350 25 million Bubonic Plague
Western Hemisphere 16th - 18th cent. XX million
American Indians from
sicknesses from Europe

India 1769
10 million Famine / Drought
1876 - 1879 9 million
Famine / Drought
1935 3.4 million*
1918 - 19 50+ million**
1958 - 61 20 million Famine / Drought
1981 - 84
X million
Famine / Drought
North Korea
1995-98 3 million
Famine / Floods

* Some of these may not have been fatalities.
** Estimates of this one range from 35 million to 100 million.

Note also that
malaria is NOT included in the list above.  The World Health Organization estimates that each year 300-500 million cases of malaria occur and that more than 1 million people die of malaria.  Why they don't want to say that in a typical year 2 to 3 million people die from malaria - mostly in tropical poor courtries - I'll leave for you to guess.

More notes for these and many other major disasters are available at:
66 of the World's Worst Disasters.

It should be noted that most of these figures are only rough estimates. As we have seen recently with the December 26th disaster, many people assisting with major disaster relief eventually stop keeping accurate records. They're just too overwhelmed, too tired, and so busy doing what has to be done and still survive themselves, that keeping detailed records ceases to be a priority for them. There are also some situations where government authorities for various reasons have tried to hide the true figures (like in China in 1976). Other situations involve more deaths from the "aftermath," so there are varying reports given by different sources.

Homeland Security and Christian Emergency Network encourage people to be ready.  See article at:
Be Ready. We've also provided some additional information on how a person can prepare for a major disaster at: The Big One.


See also:
66 of the World's Worst Disasters
What to do when your world crashes - Ten things you can do
Dealing with Death, God and Fatalism - by Lynn Green
Be Ready
Disaster Survival Tips - by Doug Copp
and The Big One


David Hall is a graduate of Vanguard University of Southern California. He has served many years in Hawaii, Singapore, Samoa and New Zealand, with Christian ministries such as YFC, BGEA, Teen Challenge, and Youth With A Mission.



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