- Population:
- The population of Taiwan is made up of three main groups:
[74%] and Hakka [10%], descendants of Chinese who emigrated from China
between the 16th and 19th centuries; Mainlanders [14%], who came across
from China after World War II and the aborigines [2%], who are possibly
related to the people of the Philippines or Indonesia. The workforce of
overseas labourers from Thailand and the Philippines exceeds the number
of the Taiwanese tribal people.
Religious affiliation:
Chinese/Buddhist 93% Christian 4.5% Other 2.6% Muslim
Most people in Taiwan
follow a mixture of
animism, Buddhism, Taoism
and Confucianism, with a strong emphasis on ancestor worship. Taiwan is
a secular state with freedom of religion. (Source: OMF)
Campus Magazine - A Christian magazine for Chinese students and scholars living abroad
Chang Jung Christian University
Changhua Christian Hospital
Chinese Christian Evangelistic Association
Hokkien Harvest
OMF Taiwan
Taiwan Revival Mennonite Church (Toronto, ON)
Theological College and Seminary Ya Tong theatre Company - 51, Lane 117, Sec. 2, Szu Chuan Rd., Panchiao
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