Churches in the Solomon Islands
Religious Demography
The country has a total area
of 11,599 square miles, and its population is approximately 450,000.
Most citizens are members of Christian churches. The Anglican, Roman
Catholic, Evangelical, Methodist, and Seventh-day Adventist
denominations are represented. Traditional indigenous religious
believers, consisting primarily of the Kwaio community on the island of
Malaita, account for approximately 5 percent of the population. Other
groups, such as the Baha'i Faith, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), and indigenous churches
that have broken away from traditional Christian churches, account for
another 2 percent.
There are believed to be members
of additional
religions within the foreign community who are free to practice their
religion, but they are not known to proselytize or to hold public
religious ceremonies. According to the most recent census figures,
there are only 12 Muslims in the country.
Source: US
Dept. of State

Other authorities estimate that over 90% of
the population belong to one of the five SICA (Solomon Is. Ch'n.
Assoc.) groups: the
of Melanesia, Roman Catholic, South Seas Evangelical Church, Seventh
Adventist and Wesley United Church. Another report breaks it down
further: Anglican 45%, Roman Catholic 18%,
United (Methodist/Presbyterian) 12%,
Baptist 9%, Seventh-Day Adventist 7%, other Protestant 5%, indigenous
beliefs 4%.
93% of the
population are Melanesian, 4% Polynesian and
the remaining 3% comprises other ethnic groups. About 87 languages are
throughout the country. Pidgin is the lingua franca and English is
language. Life
in many parts of Solomon Islands remain centered around communally
owned land
and is sustained through subsistence agriculture and fisheries.
Solomon Island Churches and Christian
Archdiocese of
Honiara, Solomon Islands - PO Box 566
Honiara - Tel.
677-22125 - Email
the King Parish, Tetere, Solomon Islands
Community of the Sisters of the Church
Tetete ni Kolivuti, Box 510, Honiara,
Solomon Islands
Patteson House, Box 510, Honiara Tel: 22413 Fax:
- PO Box A7, Auki, Malaita, Solomon Islands
St Mary’s, Luesalo, Diocese of Temotu, Santa Cruz,
Solomon Islands
St Gabriel’s, c/o Hanuato’o Diocese, Kira Kira,
Makira/Ulawa Province Fax: 50128
For further details, obtain a copy of The Anglican
Religious Communities Year Book or connect to the CSC WebSite.
Don Bosco Youth
Honiara: Christian Revival
Crusade - Pastor: Nathan
Poloso PO Box 1879,
Honiara, Solomon
Seventh-day Adventist Church
- PO Box 930; Honiara, Solomon Islands -
- (87 churches in Western SI Mission)
Melanesian Brotherhood (Anglican) - Solomon Islands
Central Section
1.Norman Palmer Household, Honiara
2. St Barnabas Working Household, Honiara
3. Bishopsdale Working Household, Honiara
4. Thomas Peo Working Household, Gela
5. Ini Kopiura Household, Kolina, Guadalcanal
6. Olimauri Working Household,Babanakira, Guadalcanal
7. Calvary Household, Surapau, Guadalcanal
8. Selwyn Rapu Working Household, Talibau, Guadalcanal
9. Derick Vagi Working Household, Bellona
10. David Sale Working Household, Komukama
Malaita Section
11. Airahu Section Headquarters, Malaita
12. Funakawa Household, East Kwaio, Malaita
13. Apalolo Household, Small Malaita
14. John Falea Working Household, Are’Are, Malaita
15. New Dawn Range Working Household, West Kwaio
16. Manao’oba Working Household, North Malaita
Ysabel Section
17. Welchman Section Headquarters, Sosilo, Ysabel
18. Porophetta Household, Kia, Ysabel
19. Lawe Household, Gizo, Western Province
20. Hulon Working Household, Yandina, Russel Islands
Hanuato’o Section
21. Fox Section Headquarters, Makira
22. Ullawa Working Household, Ullawa Island
23. Star Harbour Working Household, Makira
24. Hanunu Working Household, Makira
Temotu Section
25. Makio Section Headquarters, Santa Cruz, Temotu
Girls Brigade
Institute Solomon Islands - Advancing Leadership Skills
of St Francis
These lists must NOT be used for
solicitation of any
Thank you. You
may use
it to refer people to, for prayer, for joint
projects and the like.
Disclaimer -
Great effort has gone into providing this information, but because
situations are frequently changing
and because we are human and do make
mistakes, we do not guarentee the accuracy of all this information.
you know of something that needs to be corrected or updated, please
update us with that information. Submit
Thank you