Across Pacific & Asia

Friday, February 18, 2005

Christian leaders slowest to endorse

By Mark Ellis

BELLFLOWER, CALIFORNIA (ANS) -- Muslim, Christian and Jewish believers are lending their signatures to a resolution calling for freedom of religion throughout the world, but organizers express disappointment that Christian leaders have been the slowest to ratify their efforts.  (Pictured: Garry Ansdell, right, with Ameal Haddad).

“Our biggest frustration is with Christian leaders,” says Ameal Haddad, pastor of the Bellflower Church of God Haddad was born in Palestine before the birth of the modern state of Israel. Raised in Jordan by Catholic parents, an American evangelist visited their town and the whole family was born-again.

He founded ‘Ambassadors for Peace’ with Garry Ansdell, pastor of Hosanna Chapel in Bellflower. The resolution they crafted calls for religious freedom in all countries of the world, as well as a right of conversion without fear of retribution. The resolution was signed by Muslims such as Dr. Mohamad El-Batran, a senior senator in Egypt and by Shimon Erem, a retired Israeli general.

“This is not about politics or ecumenical movements,” says Ansdell. “It’s about the divine right to make choices and stand up for what you believe without fear of reprisal,” he says. “We want the ability to share our faith no matter what.”

Haddad would like Christian leaders to see the merits of the resolution. “Some say the Muslims will not accept this, or that it won’t work,” he says. “A big wall has been built by the Muslims and communism. All we’re trying to do is tear down these walls.”

Some Muslim leaders have responded, and even a few atheists have signed the document. “Our ultimate objective is to take this to world leaders to effect freedom of religion,” Haddad says. “We’re not asking them to convert.”

The efforts of Ambassadors for Peace parallel President Bush’s efforts to foster democracy throughout the world. “Bush is seeking freedom politically,” Haddad notes. “But how can a man be free in his intellect if he’s not free in his soul?”

Recently, the entire resolution was translated into Arabic and published in the “Arab World” newspaper, published in Anaheim, California. Haddad has scheduled several overseas trips in the coming months to promote the resolution, including stops in Egypt and Cuba.

Mark Ellis is a Senior Correspondent for ASSIST News Service. He is also an assistant pastor in Laguna Beach, CA. Contact Ellis at

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