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Woman Healed through Radio

From Gospel for Asia

Families gather together around a radio and listen to a GFA Radio broadcast

RAJASTHAN, INDIA (ANS) -- The missionaries at the GFA Radio headquarters in Rajasthan, India, did not understand why someone would send support to the ministry without even having a return address on the envelope. They accepted the gifts with joy and gratitude to the Lord, but continued to wonder where this lady might live.

Sheela had been suffering with arthritis and thyroid difficulties for several years before she heard a Gospel for Asia radio broadcast, entitled "God's Power in Human Difficulties."

As she had done for 10 years, she turned up the volume and listened while being encouraged by the words. During the prayer, she placed her hand on her neck and prayed in faith for her healing. Immediately, relief engulfed her. The next day, the doctor could not find any trace of the chronic problems she had suffered in her body. From then on, in gratitude to God, Sheela faithfully sent support to GFA Radio in Rajasthan, but without ever revealing her full address.

But one day, the information on her money order led GFA staff members to her home. She shared her story with them, and they prayed for her. After finding out that she was a Christian but rarely attended a prayer meeting, the local pastor began visiting her house, and now he is conducting a small Bible study in her home every Thursday.

Many believers like Sheela throughout Asia are being encouraged while listening to GFA Radio broadcasts. Pray that Sheela will grow spiritually and become a great witness to those around her. Please pray that these broadcasts will lead more people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Learn more about the ministry of GFA Radio by clicking here

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