Across Pacific Magazine

Ray and Patience Gifford

April 05 Newsletter

We were headed to Guatemala City and we in fact did that.  What an unusual yet fulfilling time that was! The fact that we were in a Spanish speaking country teaching with a Korean translator made it unusual. 

The openhearted response of the 55 Korean students made it very fulfilling.   These were elders, music directors, church secretaires, all kinds of lay leaders of  one of the large Korean church there in the city.  Most of these people are there because they have garment factories employing up to 700 Guatemalans in their businesses.

Ray and Patience LawsPastor Lee has such a burden for the local Guatemalans that as a
congregation they have been helping some 12 local churches get going, providing financial help and even pastoral training.  What a lovely combination!  So our 3 day class to the Koreans was followed by a 2 day Guatemalan Pastors Seminar, also on spiritual warfare.  For this I did not need a translator but they needed lots of grace for my rusty Spanish. 

The Lord even opened a door for me to preach our last evening in a large Guatemalan church encouraging the Body of Christ there. The strangest experience was having Ray not understand me when I spoke. That was a hoot!!

With only about a 36 hour lay over in Dallas  in between, we now find
ourselves in New Jersey.  Our first class on How to Hear God's Voice began last night with about 30 adult Koreans at a local church.  On Sunday we will share in the high school Sunday school class since they will be going on a missions outreach to Guatemala this summer. 

All day Monday is a Korean Pastors Seminar, then Monday and Tuesday nights are a different group of Koreans in South Jersey.  We are kept busy but that is what we came here for.   Even though we can't always converse it is so lovely to see God honestly refresh and renew hearts.  This whole NJ thing in sponsered by a newly established YWAM base here that needs staff to get the things running that God has called them to do.  We love seeing God's heart come alive to people all over.  What an honor to be involved in this work!

We will begin our drive back north on the 27th just after our flight returns
to Dallas.  We need to be in Portland on the 30th so that Ray can get ready
to continue his  earthmoving adventure on the Oregon coast on May 2.  I need to keep driving up to Victoria so I can keep teaching for the hungry people in a School of Intercessory Prayer there.  It means some weeks apart but He and His Kingdom are much more important than us and our desires. 

So onward we go!  He has grace for all of it. Thanks for loving us and wanting God's best for us.  Enjoy that for yourselves.

Ray and Patience

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