Thursday, February 3, 2005 "NEVER AGAIN" NOW MEANS "NEVER AGAIN -- EXCEPT FOR BLACK FACES" By Mel Middleton of Freedom Quest International TROCHU, AB, CANADA (ANS) -- Those of us who have seen the United Nations (which this past year has had Sudan as the chair of its Human Rights Commission) repeatedly botch the whole issue of African genocides, were not surprised at this week's UN report on Darfur. For obvious and transparent political reasons, the UN, once again, chose political expediency over protection for the innocent, and has let Khartoum's genocidal dictators off the hook by declaring that what is happening in Darfur is "not genocide" but only that crimes "just as heinous as genocide" are occurring. In this, the report mimics the fence-sitting tactics of the European Union, which used the cop-out phrase of "tantamount to genocide." If something is "tantamount to genocide," and if acts are occurring which are "as heinous as genocide" are taking place, then why not call it genocide? The answer is simple. If it is "genocide," under international law, the UN is obligated to do something about it. And no one wants to do that. It’s easier to use tricks, word games and semantics. Even so, coming as it does during the very week when the world commemorated the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, this ducking of the whole issue of genocide is particularly despicable. The United Nations and the countries which support this report -- including Canada -- are now guilty of complicity in genocide. They have studied the case of genocide in Darfur; they have reviewed the evidence; seen the horrific atrocities, read the documentation, analyzed the findings, extrapolated the political and economic costs, yet despite all this, have deliberately chosen, with conscious and informed deliberation, to duck. Once again, Khartoum gets away with genocide. Can anything be more horrific and repulsive? Can anything be more telling of the moral depravity to which the international system has fallen? "Never Again" now means "Never Again -- except for black faces" Genocide is genocide! And it MUST end! Mel Middleton can be contacted by e-mail at |
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..............................Building Bridges ACROSS the Barriers.................................... ![]() .............................................................................. |
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