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'Love Bomb' explodes at Big Tent Revival in Costa Mesa, California

Meetings takes place at scene of the Jesus People Revival back in the seventies

By Brian Nixon

Brian Brodersen speaking

COSTA MESA, CA (ANS) -- As Ricky Ryan said on Friday night (March 16), and Brian Brodersen reminded the crowd gathered on Saturday (March 17th) - a love bomb has gone off in Costa Mesa!

The first week of the Big Tent Revival has concluded, but the love and the affects of the revival are still in full force! Not only have over 300 people come forward to receive Christ as Lord, or re-dedicate themselves to the cause of Christ- but many people are "a buzz" about the impact the "Tent" is having in Orange County, California.

There is Love in the Air

Inside the Big Tent Revival (Photo: Raul Gonzalez)
"There is a sense of renewal taking place," said one congregant. "People are realizing that the days in which we live are getting desperate- we need a shot of God's love." Brian Brodersen, in his Saturday night prayer, agrees, stating, "Christians need to recognize we need to spread God's love and truth to our community and world."

Further, Pastor Brian, in his Saturday message, taught on the "Great Commandment"- loving God with our heart, soul, and mind; focusing on the true meaning of the word love. According to Brian, love is "passionate, full of emotion, and 'as strong as death'."

Continuing with the theme of love, Brodersen state that, "love is the duty of man, the measure of man, and reason for man; people were created to love God and other people." Summarizing the theme of love, Brodersen states that, "loving God is the fullness of what the Lord intended for us."

Love has definitely been in the air during the Big Tent Revival.

The Week of Changed Lives
An earlier picture of Greg Laurie

The week, as already reported (see "Renovation of the Heart"), began with Pastor Chuck talking about Jesus' return. By Tuesday and Wednesday, the tent was packed to overflow, with Greg Laurie giving two evangelistic messages, reminding us that as Christians we are to long for personal communion with God, love the things that God loves, hate the things God hates, long for Christ's return, and do what God asks.

Laurie concluded his Tuesday evening message with the exhortation to remember from where we came, repent of our sin, and repeat those things that God desires: read the Bible, pray, fellowship, and partake of communion. As people came forward, the Harvest Band sang the popular song, Choose Life. On these two nights, many people did just that-choose life!

No More Blues

Daryl Mansfield in action
On Thursday, the Daryl Mansfield Band kicked off the night with a rock set- giving the evening an upbeat and exciting flare. Though the majority of the songs were in a Blues-type vein, there was no "blue" feeling after they were finished! The crowd gathered were blessed and encouraged with such vibrant worship.

Pastor Ricky Ryan, from Santa Barbara, California, taught on Thursday and Friday. Pastor Ryan reminded those assembled that God did an amazing thing back in the late 60's and early 70's- something akin to a "love bomb" going off. "People just came to the tent because there was so much love." However, continued Ryan, "God is not finished with us"- He still wants us to love and proclaim His love.

Jesus Is Alive and Well

If there was a common theme, other than love, surrounding the first week of the Big Tent Revival, it was that Jesus is doing a work in the lives and hearts of people today- not just during the first tent revival of the late 60's and early 70's.

Pastor Greg Laurie reminded the audience that some think that "the Jesus Movement is over and done." However, he teases, with a sparkle in his eye, "The last time I looked- Jesus is still alive and well. Jesus is still working!' The congregation cheered.

The words of Laurie ring true to all who have gathered this first week of the Big Tent Revival- Jesus is alive. He is still working. He is still changing and transforming lives. This week has been a testimony- not only God's love, but of God's power to save that which was lost.

To get more information go to where you can also watch the service each night live.

Brian Nixon is a pastor, writer, musician, and family man. He currently resides in Costa Mesa, California.

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