Across Pacific & Asia

Freedom of Speech? Religious Liberty?
God exalted Him.and gave Him the name
 that is above every name. (Phil. 2:9-11)

Schoolteachers and public officials who dare mention the name of Christ risk censure, rejection, and even legal action. In more and more communities an antichrist spirit prevails because Christians don't take a stand.

The following are a few instances of attacks on constitutional freedoms in 2004:

...Oregon students were prohibited from giving religious Christmas cards.

...A Massachusetts second-grader was forbidden from reading a Christmas story to classmates.

...Kentucky officials refused to give a church permission to stage a live Nativity scene in a public square.

...A Florida city authorized a Menorah display, but rejected Christmas symbols.

...A Denver church's float was excluded from the annual "Parade of Lights" because it included Christmas carolers and a "Merry Christmas" banner.

...A Washington principal banned Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol" because Tiny Tim prayed, "God bless us everyone."

...Florida and Chicago schools included Hanukkah, Kwanzaa & other ethnic and religious songs, but not Christmas songs, in their holiday concerts. School districts in Florida and New Jersey banned Christmas carols.

...Macy's and other department stores have abandoned "Christmas" terminology while Target no longer welcomes Salvation Army bells or kettles outside their stores.

...Public schools in CA, FL, NY, DE, VA, NH, MN, and GA accommodated Muslim students during Ramadan with special time off, rooms to pray, and speakers to talk about the Muslim fast. One school urged non-Muslim students and teachers to join in the fast.

Thankfully, there are groups devoted to counter these attacks against our constitutional freedoms. The American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) created a Christmas Information Center
( ) to help believers, churches and civil jurisdictions deal with such assaults.

Please Join Us in Focused Prayer:

...Father, STIR Your People. DEFEAT the ACLU & all who war against You!

...GIVE FAVOR to those devoted to the defense of righteousness: the ACLJ, Alliance Defense Fund, Liberty Counsel & others. Help us to support them with prayer (Ex 3:21; Nu 10:35; Ps 5:10-12; 35:26-27; 44:1-8; 83:1-5, 8-13; Mt 18:10).





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