In nineteen hundred and ninety six
There was quite a bit of me to fix.
My knee packed up and my teeth fell out,
And my ministry hopes were in serious doubt.
As I jetted around the globe to teach
What I wanted seemed to be just out of reach,
So some character-issues took a bit of a swipe
When God was sure that the time was ripe.

From my sorties to Asia at the front of the year
To 10 weeks in the States with most of my gear,
To teaching odd groups right here in N.Zed,
To a month out in Perth hard-earning my bread,
I kept airlines in business and used up my money
Buying many new books (professional, not funny!).
I spent much of the year with my nose in some tome,
And took mentorees with me when I taught here at home

I'd gone to the States to hear the wisdom of Floyd
But it was also the heart of Bob Fitts I enjoyed
As he led there in worship and ministered hope
To several like me at the end of their rope.
The course was OK but not quite what I'd guessed,
Though God ministered to me and acknowledged my quest.
So the last half of the year has been quite a delight
Since the heavens have opened and let in some light.

The long seminar in Perth was the finest of six
As participants and God made a marvellous mix.
Again I saw, as I taught, that His ways are terrific
And the way He designed us is uniquely specific.
I learned more things myself as I shared with the group
That I'd not known were there in my thick mental soup.
It's an awesome adventure to hear myself speak
And find answers I hadn't even bothered to seek!

In nineteen hundred and ninety seven
I'll be that much closer to getting to heaven.
I'm off to Australia not once but three times,
And I pop up again in some sunnier climes
With trips to Korea, the US, and Hong Kong,
Perhaps a jaunt to South Africa (if I'm conscious that long!),
And to make sure I haven't got time to play up
Some teaching at home will top up my cup.

I've decided to flag the retreat I had planned
And put the money instead into teeth on a band
Of metal designed to fit in my mouth
By a generous dentist down here in the south
Who's giving me discounts to help me look better
And gave me his prices worked out in a letter.
So whoever you are who gave me two grand,
My heartiest thanks - for my teeth by your hand!

I'm planning to study and read more in my field
And to design some more workshops for those who've appealed
For more of my stuff that will help them succeed
In their training pursuits, provided they heed.
I thought I was ready to sit down and write
To share both my skills and a little insight,
But I'm now on a roll of new revelation -
When a book does come out, it'll be a sensation!

Perhaps I'll have time to rest a bit this year
Though already my schedule is quite full, I fear,
As I jet-set about from nation to nation
With my mind in a constant time-warp gyration!
May your year be a challenge, a comfort, a coup,
As God tailor-makes what's just right for you,
And He finds we are willing to go with HIS plan
So that in 97 we'll mature all we can.

Blessings on your head!

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