Prayer Station

We always start with prayer. 
We ask God to bring people there. 
To bring the right people to us,
or us to the ones who need the Lord's touch. 
Last Friday night I talked to a guy who said he was "the prodigal son".
Away from home, family and friends.  He said that he missed his dad. 
He'd messed up his life with drugs and the like. 
But he wanted prayer 'cause he's on his way back. 
I prayed.  God came.  He knew what to do. 
He needed the Lord.  He needed God's Word.  I was God's messenger he knew. 
When we're out on Queen Street we never know who...
we might meet, or who the Lord may have us talk to.

Later that night i prayed for a gal, who wanted her prom blessed by the Father. 
After awhile i prayed for another,
this one from China, we prayed for her mother. 
Another one came, responding to our offer to pray. 
And yet another shared a thanks from the past
for God answered a prayer at the Station prayed weeks ago - what a blast.

A group of Christian teens from the States also came to the Station
and asked for prayer for their presentation
they'd soon perform just down the road at the square. 
These were some of the ones i prayed for - without a flare. 
But i was only one of the team, with the Prayer Station that evening. 
Each has their own story that aught to be told.  But then that's not why they came.
They came 'cause the love for the Lord and the lost,
compels them to share regardless the cost.

And so it is that week after week,
God helps us represent Him out on the streets. 
"Helping connect people with God" is our motto. 
But you could join us any Friday if you want to. 
If you can pray, the "Prayer Station" could be a tool you can use
to help connect people with God, and relate the Good News.
Lower Queen Street in Auckland, across from Shortland - at eight. 
Or meet at the Soul Hut at 7:15, but please don't be too late.

David B. Hall - -  - 021 039 6739

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