New Zealand Missions

Missions Interlink is the umbrella organization for hundreds of Kiwi based mission organizations, aid ministries, mission training schools, NZ based ministries, etc.
Click here to go the Missions Interlink web site.

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Missions Interlink (NZ) connects people with a heart for mission: agencies, churches, church mission committees, mobilizes, training organisations, individuals and couples
enabling them to gain mutual benefit and cooperate in joint initiatives.



The network began in the 40’s or earlier as people took or picked up missionaries at the dock  and began talking with others doing the same.

We officially organized in ‘72 and sometimes we’re still known as The NZ Evangelical Missionary Alliance. 

Our Purpose Statement

Maximizing participation in world missions by networking and serving all involved in outreach from, in, and to New Zealand.

  Our Vision

We see New Zealanders contributing with passion, effectiveness, and in ever increasing numbers, to the fulfillment of God’s plan for people of all cultures to be part of His redeemed family.


International Connections

The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA – of which MI is a part) is made up of 128 national alliances.
The vision of WEA is to extend the Kingdom of God by making disciples of all nations and by Christ-centred transformation within society.
WEA exists to foster Christian unity, to provide an identity, voice and platform for more than 400 million Christians worldwide.

The Mission Commission of WEA is a global network of mission networks around the world.


Missions Interlink (NZ)

Director: David B Hall

Chairman: Wayne Freeman

Vice-Chairman & Treasurer: Max Palmer

Secretary: Jamie Wood

Administrative Assistant: Lydia Hall

Bulk Purchasing Program:  Ted Crawford

Advisory Team: Wayne Freeman, Max Palmer,

Jamie Wood and Johannes Balzer  +


National Office
Ph: +64 9 275 8333
PO Box 59 049

Mangere Bridge 2151


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