Lawyers urged to seek new direction
Many Christian lawyers are despairing over the direction the law is taking,
but find it hard to know what the alternative is. Relational Justice is
being put forward as a radical answer at a conference at the Law Society on
31 March 1999. Of Relational Justice Lord Woolf has said 'this could be
the radical new approach which is needed'.A similar conference run by the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship in Aberdeen
last year received considerable acclaim. As a result Judge Alan Hitching
is encouraging lawyers in London to grasp the opportunity to hear this
important material.Three speakers who took part in the Aberdeen conference, including Dr
Michael Schluter of the Jubilee Centre, will again be making presentations.
Their aim will be to establish some biblical principles of justice and
apply them to areas of criminal and civil law.The conference jointly organised by the Lawyers Christian Fellowship and
the Jubilee Centre will take place between 2pm and 6.15pm on 31 March, at
the Law Society. The cost is £40. For further details and to book contact
Andrea Minichiello Williams, 14 Thorndean Drive, Warninglid, Sussex RH17
5SX Tel 01444 461184 or FAX 01444 461185.
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