Tulsi is a 40 year old woman
from Bombay, who is separated from her
husband.After she separated
from her husband, she stayed with her younger
sister, but once she was tested
HIV+ her sister brought her to Chennai,
admitted her into the hospital
and left her forever. She has been at the
sanatorium for the past three
months. During this time, whenever we offered
any help to her, she was totally
closed-minded and she hated our staff. She
never spoke to anyone and
refused to even take food from us. But our staff
kept up a positive approach
with her and kept visiting her. After three
weeks of this, Tulsi held
the hand of one of our staff and cried. She
finally accepted the fact
that she is destitute and she has no-one in the
world to take care of her.
She had never heard of Jesus, so we told her
about the hope there is in
believing in Him and now, even though her health
is not that good, she has
hope. When she is discharged, we are planning to
admit her to our hospice and
take care of her.
Sanjay is also from the Bombay
area and is 31 years old. His wife died a
few years ago and he has a
son who is in school. Sanjay used to have his
own business and is a strongly
religious man. Our visits are a real comfort
to him, especially because
he only speaks Hindi and English and no-one else
in the ward does, so he had
no-one else to talk to but us. He was comforted
to be able to express his
feelings to us. Sanjay has a lot of willpower and
is not that worried about
his infection, but he does worry about the
conditions of the hospital
he is staying in. He is also worried about his
son back home. We give him
English newspapers and news magazines which he
eagerly reads. We also gave
him a Hindi New Testament and he was happy to
have a copy of the Bible.
We are in constant touch with Sanjay. Please pray
for him.
At the moment, we have fourteen
boys staying in our shelter. Four of them
have jobs and some others
are taking electrical training or learning screen
printing. Recently, we took
in a new boy, named Karithi, who had been left
in one of the local railway
stations. His father and mother have passed
away, so he went to stay with
his grandmother. She left him and this 12
year old boy didn't know what
to do. He has asked us for help to find his
uncle's address so he can
go back to his own family. We are working on
finding his uncle and we pray
with him and counsel him. He is beginning to
feel better knowing that someone
cares about him.
Our street church is going
on well, but our church building was demolished
by the government because
it was on a right of way of a government
official's road. So, once
again we are conducting our street church on the
roadside. More and more children
are coming to us. One of the girls we have
met on the street recently
got married and had a baby. Now the baby is also
living on the street with
her. Please pray for the health of both mother
and baby.
We would very much like to
start a Shelter Home for girls and we ask you to
pray that we can find an appropriate
house and that we would have enough
staff to handle this new project.
A visiting team conducted
an open-air meeting where we often go. A family
from Orissa listened to the
gospel carefully and now come and ask us a lot
about the Lord. He is a man
of great intelligence and listens to everything
we say about Jesus. They have
lost all their property in Orissa because of
last year's super-cyclone.
They look very fearful. We are helping them to
get their elder daughter admitted
into a school here. All of her school
certificates were destroyed
in the cyclone, so it is very difficult for her
to get admission in another
school, but we have prayed with the family and
when we took her to a local
school, the principal agreed to take her.
We prayed for one lady who
was very sad because her mother's leg was
swollen and she had been unable
to walk for many days. The next week she
came to church and gave the
testimony that she had taken her mother to the
hospital to have the leg checked
and the doctor said it was totally healed!
There has been no swelling
since then.
We conduct tuitions for 40
to 45 children in the village. The parents are
all very happy that their
children have this help from us because the kids
are all doing well in school
now. However, others in the village are not so
nice towards us and have forced
us to move out of the community hall and
squash onto the verandah of
the hall for our classes. When it rains, we are
not able to have classes,
because we are basically sitting outside. Please
pray that the village people
will themselves offer us a place to conduct the
tuitions, so that we can do
more for their kids.
One of the fishermen has a
problem with one of his legs and is not able to
walk or stand for even ten
minutes. Doctors have told him there's nothing
wrong with him. Our medical
team has been treating him, but the leg isn't
getting better. One day he
allowed us to share about God's love and
healing. He was very excited
and listened to us with tears in his eyes.
Finally we prayed for him
and everyone in the room felt God's awesome
presence. He accepted God
with all his heart and now comes to our cell
group meeting on Fridays.
Please pray for his total healing.
Our team ministered at a youth
camp as a worship team & as counselors.
There was a mix of all kinds
of people, from all kinds of backgrounds. At our
worship sessions we played
upbeat fun stuff. We shared what worship really
means. Between sessions some
of them asked us questions, especially a
young guy called Rajan. Rajan
has been a hard core druggie since he was 11
years old. He also had spent
some years in Goa living the life of a hippie
with many foreigners he knew
there. During the camp we prayed for him a few
times. One time I especially
prayed for God to lift the blindness from his
eyes and towards the end of
the camp he made a commitment to follow the
Lord, but this one's going
to be a real struggle as I think he can't even
remember what life is without
drugs. I also shared with him about God's
grace.... knowing that was
a revelation to him. He needs our prayers.
Many of the other kids made
commitments to follow the Lord by themselves at
the camp and just told us
that they had decided to follow the Lord.
Manbahadur is the first believer
in his village. After one year an old
health problem of his started
again. He earned his income by making roads.
As he doesn't have much income
he could not go to the hospital for a check
up. So we took him to a hospital
and found out that he had bone TB. We paid
for his treatment and he was
very grateful for the help. He gave thanks to
the Lord for opening a door
for him. He is bringing many people to His
One lady in Chunki camp was
dying of TB. Nobody was helping her. When we
visited the camp we saw her
and took her to the hospital for treatment. She
is getting better now. The
people were very surprised that we were helping
her, even though we don't
know her. Through this help the people from this
camp are opening up for the
Ganga Ram's wife (a believer)
was hit by a car and was injured in her head
and right leg. She was so
discouraged that it happened to her. Her relatives
keep telling her all these
things are happening because she accepted
Christ. She was hurt physically
and emotionally. We are helping her to be
healed in both ways, through
medicine and prayers.
This month we organized a medical
Camp in one of the villages. The people
shared that from April to
May they've been cutting wheat everyday in the hot
sun so many of them became
weak and sick due to hard work. They don't have
enough strength to do their
domestic work. This is the reason we had the
medical camp among this people.
We gave a vitamin injection with B-complex
and Iron tablet. This is a
four week program. We've completed one week and
will evaluate them after the
four treatments are over.
This month the children started
school, and they were so excited! We took
them to the shop to buy new
school clothes. We also got all their books,
notebook, crayons, etc. On
the first day of school our children had
everything and they realized
that their friends did not. They realized by
themselves how the Lord had
provided to us. It was a moment of praise and
thanksgiving to God as the
children came home and started talking about
their first day at school.
Also the teachers at school
were pretty glad to know that the children came
back to study. Because of
their good behavior, good marks and also because
of their background it makes
the teachers see the difference between them
and their classmates. They
see these children, who were at first in the
streets, and when hope is
shown by giving them an education what those
children can become. They
know that we are Christian and we believe by what
we do and by what the children
are today that the Lord is being glorified.
It's a testimony to the teachers
as well as the other students and parents.
Primary Education - School
reopened last month after summer holidays. The
teachers visited the community
in the summer holidays encouraging the
parents to send their children
to the school. There was a good response and
we hope to get even more admissions.
All of our students who wrote 4th
grade exams have passed and
got admission in the nearby government school.
Primary Health Care - This
month 62 patients came for medical treatment for
various illnesses.
Children's Health Check Up
- In the children's health check up we conducted
3 camps and conducted a check
up for 133 children. About 30% of the
children were malnourished.
VBS - We were invited by a
church to conduct Vacation Bible School for the
children in a slum near the
airport. 85 children came and all were very
eager to learn. We had five
days classes for them. The pastor told us that
the church grew from 25 to
50 people after this VBS. Also the parents
appreciated the change they
saw in their children after the VBS.
Church - we have church meetings
on Mondays with 15 people coming regularly.
The cottage meetings are happening
in three places in the believer's
houses.They are growing in
the Lord and in the word. The fellowship in
Venkat Nagar on Tuesday is
running well. God provided a place for us to
worship. One of our believers'
family put a roof over the place where we
have been meeting.
Children's ministry - the children
are very eager and enthusiastic after our
VBSs. We have Sunday Schools
going on in six different places in which 2
are newly started after the
VBSs. Nearly 20-30 children coming to each place.
Stitching classes - we have
10 girls coming to classes and two of them are
getting ready to appear for
the exams.
Street Children - Basker, who
has been with us since April, is going to
school. He is in fifth class.
Martha is now in 1st class. Mehmad is working
as an office boy in an office.
He desires to learn driving four wheelers.
We do medical work in one
village. We see a variety of illnesses as we visit
families door to door.
Sabitri was from one of these
families we visited. She was barren for 10
years, and really wanted another
child. The team prayed for her and she
conceived. Although the team
encouraged her to see a doctor during the
pregnancy, she did not. She
died during childbirth due to complications.
She gave birth to twins, which
the father placed in the care of an
orphanage. Tragically, this
is not an uncommon occurrence. Such apathetic
attitudes towards health care
are the cause of ongoing struggles for our
health workers. A fellowship
is already established here and is overseen by
our team. Women are
especially open to the things of God. At present we
have three ladies learning
to read and write. One lady, Savitri, is now
able to read God's word for
the first time. It is great to see the
excitement of people as the
doors of opportunity are opened to them.
We do not only see sick people
in the villages. Often we run into people
who are oppressed by evil
spirits. Once as we were praying for a lady, the
demon possessing her, suddenly
hit one of our staff. So we now pray with
our eyes open!
We are in the process of building
a home to minister to the destitute
widows abandoned in Varanasi.
At present we have purchased the land and
have obtained permission to
start construction. We are hoping to lay the
foundations, but are unable
to proceed with the building due to lack of
finances. Please
pray that God would release the necessary funds.
Although building is at a stand
still we are able to proceed in other areas
such as developing skills
that we can pass onto the widows. One team member
is beginning a sewing course,
while other members are concentrating on
pickle and jam making, baking
and administrative skills. Once the widows
are trained we will provide
them with employment. Please pray that we will
have wisdom to know how to
This month we were able to
help two families who have new born babies.
Neither family was able to
pay their rent and the landlord was about to
evict them. At the same time,
the husbands of both families were very sick
and were not able to go to
work. As we prayed, we felt we were to help
them. They were very surprised
and encouraged by this, even though the
amount wasn't that big. But
for them it was a miracle! We also bought some
medicines for other sick people,
as well as rice and vegetables for others.
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