Across Pacific & Asia

                    Cleaning Out Our Closets

There comes a time when we must clean out the closets
of our life so that we may have room for items that will enhance our life.

Let's search the closets of our lives and make a trip to the wastebasket.

Throw away any hatred that may be lurking there and
be sure to toss jealousy, bad attitudes, dishonesty,
complaints, sin, and hypocrisy.

Before you finish, throw away that grudge you have
been holding against someone. There's room now to add
love, honesty, forgiveness and kindness-not to mention
thankfulness for all of God's blessings.

Go on and make room for reverence and respect to God
from whom all good and perfect gifts come.better, isn't it?

Take a moment today to spring clean your heart. Ask
God to come in and if He finds anything else that
shouldn't be there, take it out so that you can live holy andright!

Pass on .. this could be the day for that newbeginning.

- Author Unknown
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